
Chinese restaurant in American

   The culture of food is still different in different. As a Sichuan people,  spicy is a main symbol of our food culture.  I was so down when I first time to come to American, because I find the main food in American is fast food, and the Chinese restaurant  located in tucson don't have authentic Sichuan food.  Having to say, the trip to Los angles was really fantastic for me , because I eat authentic Sichuan food.

I eat this food named spicy pig brain in Tianfuzhijia. It's pretty delicious ,so that I baled 5 the brains when I come back to tucson.  

I found there was Chinese TV show in their store. 

This place have many Chinese restaurants, It really amazing for me I can see a lot of Chinese characters  and eat variety Chinese foods.    

The restaurants in Los angles not looks like the restaurants in China.Los angles' Chinese restaurants' looking are shown in this picture, they are not high building, but the restaurants in China always located in high modern building.

To be honest, for me, I even  thought I came back to China when I came to the China town in Los angles.As a foreigner in American, Chinese things seemly enlarge in my heart. It seemly like I can feel more things and pay more attention to my own culture.  

